Chicken Blow The Idol is a Japanese idol group. In its original incarnation, the band consisted of four members: Asuka Kazahana (vocals), Mayo Fujiwa (guitar), Tsubomi Ruiru (bass) and Mikan Akari(drums). They play rock music with schoolgirl costumes as their trademark. The Tokyo-based Rock group recently released the English version of their hit NanteSamishiiYoruNanda, which translates to “What a Lonely Night.” The Japanese version was previously included on their Sotto Voce album and is currently climbing the DRT Global Top 150 Independent Airplay Chart.

The group’s self-titled album, Chicken Blow, was released in January 2023 and proved to be a hit with more than one million units sold worldwide. The group will hold a solo concert in Tokyo, Japan on September 26, 2023 to commemorate the second anniversary of their formation. They are hoping to attract 1500 people.

Idols in Japan are entertainers and personalities whose fame is generated by the mass media. Idols are usually young people, mostly women, who have been trained to sing professionally and may also be models or actors. Idol singers are closely associated with a brand and product, while maintaining relationships to their fans through concerts. The idol industry emerged in Japan during the 1960s and 1970s as a result of television appearances, but it did not become prominent until 1980 due to several factors. Today’s Japanese pop idol culture has been emulated by other industries like K-pop—the Korean counterpart that is dominating today’s music scene. Watch the official live version of their new single below.

An idol is a type of entertainer marketed for image, attractiveness, and personality in Japanese pop culture. Idols are primarily singers with training in other performance skills such as acting, dancing, and modeling. Idols are commercialized through merchandise and endorsements by talent agencies, while maintaining a parasocial relationship with a financially loyal consumer fan base. Idols are seen as role models to the public, and their personal lives and image can sometimes be tightly controlled by their talent agencies.

“What a Lonely Night.” is a great album, Chicken Blow the Idol are a great group, you should check both out if you know what’s good for you and you definitely want to go see them perform in Japan.

 Idols are predominantly singers, but are also often trained in acting, dancing, and modeling. This style of recruiting and training was pioneered by Johnny Kitagawa, the founder of Johnny & Associates, and has since been used in other pop idol industries such as Korean idols in K-pop.

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