Walt Disney Animation Studios’ latest short film, “Once Upon a Studio,” has made its highly anticipated debut on Disney+ and Hulu as part of Disney’s grand 100-year anniversary celebration. Additionally, it will be broadcast on various Disney networks, including Disney Channel, Freeform, and FX. The short film is also set to grace select theaters as part of the Disney100 special engagement of Moana, running until October 26.
In a remarkable display of creativity and technological prowess, Disney Animation’s “Once Upon a Studio” brings together 543 beloved Disney characters from over 85 feature-length and short films. This captivating short film combines hand-drawn and CG animation, paying homage to a century of storytelling, artistry, and innovation.
A Passion Project Transformed: The Origins of ‘Once Upon a Studio’
Discover how the heartfelt passion project of Dan Abraham and Trent Correy evolved into “Once Upon a Studio.” From their moving pitch that brought Chief Creative Officer Jennifer Lee to tears to their dedicated team’s efforts to revisit Disney’s cherished characters, this article unravels the story behind the creation of this extraordinary short film. Delve into the intricate details of the creative process behind “Once Upon a Studio.” With Eric Goldberg leading the hand-drawn animation and Andrew Feliciano overseeing CG animation, the film’s creators ensured that each character retained its unique style, seamlessly interacting with others. Explore the behind-the-scenes magic, from live-action plates at the Roy E. Disney Animation Building to recording sessions with over 40 original voice actors.
A Touching Tribute to Walt Disney’s Favorite Song
Read the touching story of how Disney Legend Richard Sherman returned to Walt Disney’s office at the age of 94 to rerecord “Feed the Birds” from the classic film Mary Poppins. This article sheds light on how this cherished tradition found its way into “Once Upon a Studio.”
Meet the Apprentices Behind Disney Animation’s ‘Once Upon a Studio’
Discover the remarkable journey of five hand-drawn animation apprentices, selected from a pool of over 2,000 applicants. These apprentices, the first new hires in Disney’s hand-drawn animation department in over a decade, share their experiences and aspirations for the future in an exclusive Q&A. Explore the significance of Disney Legend Burny Mattinson’s cameo in “Once Upon a Studio.” As the longest-serving employee in The Walt Disney Company’s history, Mattinson’s presence in the short film holds a special place, symbolizing his profound influence and experience.
A Century of Wishes: Disney’s Legacy and Future
As Disney commemorates its centennial, take a closer look at the studio’s journey from its inception in 1923 to its future endeavors. Discover how “Wish” and “Once Upon a Studio” encapsulate both the rich history and the exciting future of Disney Animation.