In these trying times, inspiration has become a sought-after commodity. The world nowadays has been bogged down by a lot of societal problems, and with the looming global pandemic, it has become exceedingly difficult to be motivated. Fortunately, Dr. Dabf A Mondesir is a sought-after conference speaker, preacher, and philanthropist who is spreading his word of positivity to the entire world.
Dr. Dabf A Mondesir currently serves as the CEO of New Generation and as the Senior Pastor of New Generation International Ministry. Apostle Mondesir is recognized as an apostolic general among his peers. He is mandated to manifest the Kingdom of God on Earth through miracles, signs, and wonders.
He is fully committed to empowering others through his words and his influence. Dr. Mondesir is looked to for the advancement of Kingdom leaders for evident manifestations of God’s supernatural power. He is best known for his unapologetic style of preaching as well as for his humanitarian efforts around the world.
Dr. Dabf A Mondesir has a PhD in theology and psychology, to which he also served as a college professor, counselor, and life coach. As a whole, it is easy to sum up his work and ministry best through the reading of Luke 4:18-19 and in Isaiah 61:1-2, “The Spirit of the Lord God is upon me because the Lord has anointed and commissioned me to bring good news to the humble and afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the wounds of the brokenhearted, to proclaim release from confinement and condemnation to the physical and spiritual captives and freedom to prisoners, and to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor.”
It’s clear to see that Apostle Mondesir is visibly expanding the influence of the Kingdom of God, for it is written that “the Kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.” Dr. Dabf A Mondesir continues to spread his positive word through the New Generation Preparatory school, which he owns. Furthermore, he is also the renowned owner of NG Records, which is home to some of the best artists in South Florida. He has single-handedly helped over 700 dropout students get into college through his efforts.
Dr. Mondesir has a health program that raises awareness within the community regarding AIDS. He also aims to educate the community about the prep and pep pills, which are important things to consider when performing intercourse. The prep is a pill that is taken before the act, and it hinders anyone from catching HIV or AIDS. In comparison, the pep pill is a pill that is taken within 24 hours of intercourse, which also stops people from contracting the disease.
He built a private school in Haiti in his father’s hometown of Au-Cayes and established the New Generation VII, which is the parent company of NG Records, New Generation Preparatory School, NG Outreach, and New Generation International Ministries. Dr. Dabf A Mondesir is an all-around philanthropist and a beacon of light for these times of darkness. He tries to influence all the sectors that he can as he continues to spread the Word of the Lord.
To know more about Dabf A Mondesir, make sure to follow him on Instagram and Facebook.
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