It’s long been recognized that putting in the hours at a C-Suite job can be detrimental to your health, and even lower your life expectancy. In fact, it’s been known since Harvard Business School Professor Tom Nicholas, tracked the status and mortality rates of more than 1,000 managers and other employees at General Electric starting in the 1930s. The results were groundbreaking, revealing that high-level business executives died three to five years earlier on average than lower-level workers at GE.

Now the 1930s were hardly a decade when the life of businesspeople was filled with wine and roses. The Great Depression was in full swing so elevated stress levels were to be expected, but have things gotten better?

That’s a resounding no, at least according to both the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the World Health Organization. The Journal found that high-level executives are 40% more likely to die from heart-related issues than their lower-level counterparts. The World Health Organization echoed this finding, publishing data suggesting that individuals in high-stress jobs, like those at the C-suite level, have a 23% higher risk of heart attack.

Mark O’Brien, founder of FitPlusWell, is one man determined to make a difference in the lives (and longevity) of Australia’s Captains of Industry and Commerce. And he is doing so with a typical single-minded entrepreneurial focus.

A Demanding Market

Executives are constantly reminded that some simple lifestyle changes can lower their risk of heart disease (Australia’s number one killer), However, making those changes can be incredibly challenging for those in the C-Suite. They are typically time-poor and tasked with developing strategy and assessing the bottom-line impacts of that strategy, both tasks that lead to sleepless nights and a less-than-stellar approach to health (both mental and physical).

O’Brien says, “There are many professionals out there from entrepreneurs to CEOs who are faced with daily challenges, and they seem to take those in their stride, we’re talking highly focused people who aren’t scared to take on the world. But tell them they need to find the right work-life balance, including a structured fitness program to get to the next level and you’ll be surprised at just how hesitant they are to dive in.”

O’Brien’s background in physiotherapy and fitness coaching has allowed him an up close and personal view of just why high flyers tend to avoid a fitness commitment.

“Sometimes they’re afraid of the time commitment and many of them are not comfortable with traditional gyms where they have to waste time waiting around for equipment. For these guys time is money.”

However, O’Brien has also been exposed to C-Suite individuals who simply don’t recognize the value of having a coach.

“Many of these professionals are used to being Masters of the Universe, they don’t like handing over control. But, the fact is that they need someone who has struggled with injury and developed systems to limit the downtime that can be so much a part of the gym experience.

“I know that my clients can’t afford to take time off, but the rewards of committing to a coach and a regular exercise regime are incredible. Firstly, you’re probably going to live longer, secondly, if you’re in peak physical shape you’re a lot sharper mentally, and lastly, and perhaps most importantly, exercise is going to reduce your stress levels.”

Preserving Human Capital

For O’Brien, it became increasingly clear that the traditional gym/fitness model was not going to deliver the results that a busy executive demands.

“I took some time off to think hard about the market needed. Once I had a handle on the specific needs of the busy executive and I’d carefully evaluated the sort of time commitment they were comfortable with and the sort of gym experience they needed, I was ready to take the next step and launch FitPlus.

However, those enrolling in O’Brien’s programs can expect more than just some handholding as they go through a set of squats. 

“When it comes to fitness, health, and lifestyle choices, my mission is to help people see their worth. 

“Whether I’m working with individuals or corporate programs, I focus on empowering others to value themselves more. Through personal consultations, I guide people to get more active, pick up new skills, and push their limits. I see the results. My clients have higher self-esteem than when they started the program, they’re more comfortable in their skin and they say that their productivity has gone through the roof.” 

Aside from the one-on-one coaching that O’Brien’s clients receive, they’ll also have access to FitPlusWell, a gym designed to offer personalized coaching in a supportive environment with high-quality equipment and smaller, more intimate class sizes.

As O’Brien says, “FitPlusWell isn’t a traditional gym. It’s a relaxed experience that allows for effective coaching and allows these businesspeople to focus on their fitness goals. It’s an experience that fits in with their no-nonsense approach to business. 

“These are professionals who want the best, and they want to see results. It’s amazing that once they’ve seen the direction we’re heading they’re incredibly enthusiastic about optimizing their fitness and enjoying a balanced lifestyle.”

Life’s Lessons

O’Brien’s father, a dedicated, top-flight badminton player was affected by injury, as was O’Brien who cut a promising football career short because of a recurring injury. However, he firmly believes that focus and dedication, when combined with the right advice can help people avoid injury, and enjoy an experience that is fun, fulfilling and can have a positive effect on their careers.

“People tend to be a little surprised when they hear that I hold a BSc in Computer Applications from Dublin University, but I found that the discipline and logic of dealing with apps complement my experience and the Diploma I have from the Dublin Institute of Physical Therapy. It’s all about what’s between your ears, focus and apply yourself and you’ll make a success of anything. 

“As I say to clients, age isn’t a barrier, kids aren’t a barrier and work pressure isn’t a barrier – you need to focus on what’s important, and that’s your health. You need to bring your A-Game, both physically and mentally if you’re going to take on the world.”

Australian professionals in search of a unique fitness program, personalized attention and a gym experience that breaks the mold can find out more about FitPlusWell on the company website, or find out what sets Mark O’Brien apart from other entrepreneurial fitness advisors on his LinkedIn page.