Qamar Zaman a Tech Entrepreneur & Managing Director of PR Startup Storytellers Inc is on a Mission to Democratize PR for Small Business Owners With His Web 3 Ecosystem 

Qamar Zaman is changing people’s perspectives of storytelling by creating global adoption with his news app that amplifies stories. We discussed how this Web 3 application is poised to be a game changer with Zaman. 

Qamar Zaman – Managing Director of Storytellers Inc 

Qamar Zaman is changing people’s perspectives of storytelling by creating global adoption with his news app that amplifies stories. We discussed how this Web 3 application is poised to be a game changer with Zaman. 

Qamar Zaman – Managing Director of Storytellers Inc 

With the advent of Web 2, it became easy for content creators to share their stories. Examples of these are blogs, YouTube videos, and IG reels to name a few. Web 2 made it easier than ever for people to share their stories with a global audience. However, there is little payoff. 

Douglas Holt who writes for Harvard Business Review says: 

“Brand building has become a vexing challenge. This is not how things were supposed to turn out. A decade ago most companies were heralding the arrival of a new golden age of branding. They hired creative agencies and armies of technologists to insert brands throughout the digital universe. Viral, buzz, memes, stickiness, and form factor became the lingua franca of branding. But despite all the hoopla, such efforts have had very little payoff.” Harvard Business Review, Special Issue. (

As per Zaman, If you post on IG, it stays on IG and gets seen by a limited number of people unless you have a big fan base. Not everyone is Kim K. says Zaman.  I saw this as a problem.  You have to create a lot of content, edit and publish and if you want to get more eyeballs you have to boost the story on these platforms by paying.   Great for Mr. Zuckerberg and his valuation, but more is needed to help the hard working small business owners who still have their businesses to run. This even adds even more layers of complexity, leaving the content creator day late and a dollar short. 

Before we get to know Zaman’s innovation, let’s get to know him first. 

Qamar Zaman is an American Tech entrepreneur/software developer who learned to code back in the days of Cobol. With over three decades of application development and running various tech projects that helped his clients.  Some of his clients included National law firms. Since lawyer lead generation is costly and Google Adwords costs as much as $80 per click, Zaman has developed various technological solutions for these law firms, banks, financial institutions and the INC 500 companies.  

In 2019, Zaman changed his stance and started a new venture that was able to help over 50,000 small businesses for FREE as his contribution to helping recover from COVID-19 financial difficulties that impacted most global small business owners. While the big companies were getting huge PPP grants, small and self-employed entrepreneurs and GIG operators were left behind.  I wanted to do something. I did rapid application development (RAD) that was very successful and we were able to rescue a few within our capacity.  Not only did we create a few stories of success in the US, but we also assisted globally with clients via FIVERR  and brand visibility came from India, Pakistan,  Bangladesh, China, Singapore, Australia, and Canada. Zoom Meeting & Calendly platform made it possible for us to connect with people.  

A story that appeared in Forbes says an outstretched Hand in the Darkest Hour.

IB Times staff writer covers Qamar Zaman and calls it – The Magic of the Story.

Based on the adoption and how we were able to feel the pulse of the global content creators, small business owners and GIG operators, I went to work and created a Web 3 version of our ecosystem. 

As per Zaman, most businesses create a blog but need help with creating brand awareness for that blog.  This is where the Zaman AI-based SAAS-based ecosystem comes to the rescue.  The new WEB 3 version of the app is set to offer a variety of recipes based on the ideal customer type which is called the Perfect Customer in marketing. Some of these include: 

  • Blog Amplifiers
  • Podcasts
  • VR Stories
  • Online Press Releases 
  • Social Stories 
  • Video Stories 

What Was the Reason You Decided to Democratise PR Amplification? 

Most business owners are tired of feeling like they need more resources or expertise to manage their company’s public relations effectively.  They feel like their message is getting lost in the noise, and that they need to reach the audience they want to engage with.  I know this first hand as I am one of them.  The second biggest problem we the business owners face is that we are can’t compete with big brand budgets but all aspire to be like them. That is what kept me up at night and I wanted to do something about it for me and everyone.  

What does democratizing PR amplification mean for a small business owner?

It means taking control of your PR and using available tools and resources to effectively reach and engage with your target audience. It also means finding new and innovative ways to share your story and connect with your customers, without breaking the bank or relying on expensive PR agencies.  As I explained our ecosystem gets you found. Through our ecosystem, you can create a larger awareness of your content type (Video, Podcast, Blog, Web Page, Social Share). 

What does success look like for a small business owner with your ecosystem?

Success has many layers.  The final and most important layer is the conversion from awareness to the transaction where money changes hands.  But the first step is called awareness. It is called the moment of truth. “Moment of truth” (MOT) in marketing, is the moment when a customer/user interacts with a brand, product or service to form or change an impression about that particular brand, product or service. In 2005 A.G. Lafley Chairman, President & CEO of Procter & Gamble coined “Moments of Truth”. -Wikipedia. 

As a small business owner, you have to build MOT for your product/service or your brand. Create unique experiences that set your brand apart from larger companies. You have a story to tell, and the ability to connect with your customers on a deeper level. 

Storytellers ecosystem in power in your mobile application that will help business owners do this effectively and measurably keeping it super simple and having predictable results. Storytellers app will solve this problem and help business owners tap into that potential and create a stronger, more authentic connection with their audience stories. The possibilities are endless when it comes to democratizing PR efforts. 

“By taking control of our own PR and finding new and innovative ways to share our stories has helped a boutique NYC Personal Injury Law Firm get found and get cases during the pandemic says a leading New York City Bikecycle accident lawyer. Our target audience finds our content in a  meaningful way.” R. J William, Head of Marketing & SEO. 

Zaman’s new app allows users to fully immerse themselves in a story, creating a more interactive and engaging experience. For example, a VR story might allow the viewer to walk through a virtual world and make choices that affect the outcome of the story. This type of storytelling has the potential to be more engaging and immersive than traditional forms of storytelling, such as reading a book or watching a movie, says Zaman during an interview. 

The ecosystem developed by this veteran developer allows large adoption through a proprietary ecosystem that shares their stories with a global audience in real-time, giving them the opportunity to reach a larger audience and connect with others who may have similar experiences or interests. 

Phase one of this app has been tested by various users since 2019 and has been tested by over 50,000 users with different use cases.  

“The PR was a huge success – you are top of our list for our story in Google.”  Blockchain PR Expert

A local Dallas Lawyer called this app a Swiss Army Knife of Storytelling for law firms.  R. J William Marketing Director of the Law Office of John Helms a Federal Criminal Defense Law Firm. As per William, we have got better cases from Zaman’s app. 

If you are small business owner and have been struggling to find a way to be as successful as your competitors, then you need to try the Zaman Ecosystem. This is a revolutionary new ecosystem that helps small businesses to become big businesses. Since this ecosystem will be used by all types of businesses, it can help build a solid reputation for your organization in the online world.

“Leading Local SEO Expert calls a must-have for all SEOs toolbox.” 

Haute Living calls Tech Entrepreneur and Mentor who is on a Big Mission to Democratize Storytelling.