It is always the many bold choices that artists make along their journey to stardom that define who they are. It is the late nights and early mornings, the blood, sweat, and tears, and the hours upon hours that are put into their craft. That is what defines Shawn Sosa as a professional in his career. This is exactly what he has done to define who he is and to make a buzz in the music industry for himself. He’s a man of many talents; he’s a producer, singer, songwriter, actor, and businessman. But he didn’t always start off that way. It has always been hours upon hours of hard work, failing many times before achieving greatness.

The young talent hails from Oakland, California, but resides here in Los Angeles. He sees himself as the next big thing in the rap and hip-hop industries making waves in the local hip-hop scene. Shawn has already cemented his legacy as a master sound engineer, working on some of the latest and greatest television shows of this era. Sosa has also worked with some of the top musicians in the industry; he has worked with members of Tom Petty’s group as well as Stevie Wonder, to name a few greats. As well as working with some of the top influencers that social media has created.

Shawn Sosa’s next move is to go back to his roots and create a legacy for himself as one of today’s biggest names in hip-hop. Putting a halt to his career at an early age, Shawn is now jumping back into the spotlight and taking control of his own career, with more to offer than ever. Working on a few EPs and LPs that Shawn will slowly release on all platforms, as well as an album and songs releasing this summer. Shawn has already created some noise with “Real Ones” a song he released on all platforms with no promotion behind it.

Juggling his return, he is also managing his brand “The Real Ones” as well as his production company, which he partly owns. “GS Productions” is a production company based out of Burbank, California, whose sole purpose is in-house production for music, sound, film, photography, and much more. Even though Shawn is focused on a career as a musician and in the spotlight, he never stops working behind the scenes, which is where he thrives. Sosa has worked with some of the top people behind the scenes as-well.

If you are looking for new artists to support with a real aspect to them, Shawn Sosa is your guy.

Thank you very much,