With money becoming an important part of sustaining lives everywhere, people tend to look for schemes, careers, and industries that can help them make a decent profit while leaving a positive impact on others.
One industry that can provide such benefits is the real estate industry. The real estate industry is a big business that generates billions of dollars in revenue annually, providing ample opportunities for entrepreneurs to turn a profit.
Seeing as how the industry can generate a good income, Jalal Abuimweis decided to become a part of it.
“I have always understood that real estate made most millionaires and it seemed like a stable investment I could invest in,” he said.
Eventually, his decision bore great results as he now works as a real estate investor and landlord of over 50 apartments around Miami.
Hitting Two Goals In One Career
At 28-years-old, Jalal has already achieved so much in his career. He managed to turn his life around from being homeless in 2015 to becoming the CEO of King’s Estates.
But aside from earning a good income, Jalal also has the opportunity to help others advance in their career and maintain the integrity of neighborhoods around Miami.
“What I do is I buy distressed real estate from sellers that canʼt maintain their homes and need the cash to solve a problem they may have, and sell the real estate to investors in the area,” he said.
Through this approach, Jalal gets to help homeowners in need, provide new opportunities for real estate investors in the area, and improve the neighborhood in general.
Jalal has worked with more than 400 clients to date who have achieved desirable results with his help. In the next five years, his goal for his company is to expand and become the largest real estate investment in South America.
An Advice For Growth
Before Jalal reached the position he is now, he had to face challenges that tested his mettle as an entrepreneur. But because of his perseverance, he overcame these struggles and continued to improve until he realized his full potential.
One thing that helped him achieve his levels of success is by getting rid of the bad ideas that he had when first started in the business. Nothing is easy but giving up on something just because it’s hard won’t bring any results.
Many others can learn from Jalal’s footsteps as they continue to grow in any part of their lives.
For more information on Jalal Abuimweis, visit his Instagram account.