Now that the year is coming to a close, it’s time to set goals for your business. It takes a lot of time and focus to think about your goals. Most business owners give up on their goals just a few months later. For this reason, you’ll learn six helpful tips that help you set business goals that are easier to achieve.

1. Know Your Why

You should know your why when writing down your goals. Determining what’s working and doesn’t work can allow you to see what changes you need to make. Knowing your why gives you a clearer picture of your business goals. This will serve as your reminder to stick to your goals and make the necessary changes to make it happen.

2. Set Realistic Goals

One reason why most people fail to set business goals is that they make it hard to achieve them. They don’t realize the time it could take to achieve these goals. You don’t want to lose steam by mid-January. Instead, you can set realistic goals that include deadlines, milestones, and progress techniques that you’ll utilize. This will make your goals easier to achieve.

3. Get Specific

Getting specific with your goals is just as important. For example, if your business goal is to boost sales of your franchise, you should set a definite number. Or, you could identify the percentage increase you want. Break up that goal into small actionable goals that’ll yield better results. You can keep track of your progress along the way.

4. Set Accountability With Deadlines

Another reason why business goals fail is the lack of motivation. You can set yourself accountable by adhering to strict deadlines. This gives you a sense of urgency that pushes you to complete the steps that will lead to your goal. Segment your goals into annual or monthly tasks with timelines.

5. Have a Power Hour

Focus on business habits that encourage you to reach your goals. For example, host a daily power hour in the mornings where you collaborate with your team on new ideas. Set up reminders for these meetings. Be punctual and professional. This isn’t a time to socialize. Dedicate this time to achieving your goals.

6. Celebrate Small Milestones

Don’t just celebrate the big wins. You should also congratulate yourself for the small victories. Hosting with a celebratory lunch or champagne can make setting goals more exciting. This also motivates you to keep up those efforts.

The new year is the perfect time to set business goals. You can look back at what you achieved, and decide what you need to accomplish. Don’t let poor planning fall by the wayside. Follow the ideas shared in this article.

This will prevent you from getting burned out or becoming bored with your goals. Don’t let the excitement of the holidays allow you to slack off from achieving your corporate dreams. Use this guide alongside your checklist of business goals that you want to turn into a reality in the new year.