Undoubtedly, the earth’s climate is experiencing significant changes, which can be directly linked to human actions and vulnerabilities. The need to adopt alternative sources and renewable energy like solar is essential. However, there’s still one major challenge; A lot of people don’t have access to renewable energy! Blake Saunders is an individual passionate about achieving a healthier climate and has dedicated his firm to this objective. 

The young entrepreneur is the founder of Certified Media. Certified Media is an SMS marketing agency that serves two functions. The first is generating off-market deals for real estate agents and investors, and the second, helping homeowners switch to solar energy.

I am very passionate about the earth and making it a better place. My goal in the coming years is to help as many homeowners switch to solar as soon as possible. A single residential solar system will eliminate over 3 tons of carbon emissions each year. This is equivalent to planting over 100 trees. If I can help thousands of homeowners switch to solar, this will make a huge impact over the years,” Blake says.

Advocating for a Cleaner Environment 

Blake uses his business to help others, and most importantly, help environmental health. Over the years, Certified Media has linked solar companies with homeowners around the U.S open to the idea of renewable energy. Since its inception, Certified Media has helped thousands of homeowners switch to solar. 

I like to think we are helping the entire world by educating people on solar and eliminating tons of carbon emissions each day. This ultimately helps homeowners save money and more importantly save the environment.”   

With the belief that clean energy is taking off, everyone must assist the government in achieving reductions in carbon emission, especially entrepreneurs. Currently, the government is putting frameworks and policies in place for the fight against climate change. 

So, entrepreneurs must adapt to these policies and be creative with their businesses in fitting to this.

The government is heavily incentivizing people to switch to solar and they are doing this because the climate is deteriorating. They are almost paying homeowners to switch to solar. Therefore, entrepreneurs must give their support to this. You see car companies also switching from fuel cars to electric vehicles. If we keep living the way we are today, the earth will suffer more. We must all contribute to the change we desire,” Blake reveals.

Blake Saunders has adopted a unique method of implementing business goals. According to him, combining solar and real estate is important and realistic. By getting in touch with homeowners and educating them about the workability of adopting solar energy in their homes, the solar objectives are fulfilled.

My goal is to help give homeowners a better understanding of what solar energy is and how it can impact our world. By doing this, I am helping to make the world a better place,” Blake says.